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Programa de prevención del abuso de personas mayores Elder Abuse Prevention Program El Programa de Prevención del Abuso de Personas Mayores del Departamento apoya programas y servicios para proteger a las personas mayores del abuso en todas sus formas: física, emocional, financiera y más. El programa está diseñado para aumentar la conciencia sobre el problema del abuso, la negligencia y la explotación de las personas mayores. El programa incluye capacitación y difusión de materiales de prevención del abuso de personas mayores y financia proyectos especiales para brindar capacitación y actividades de prevención. El Departamento de Asuntos de las Personas Mayores no realiza investigaciones. El Programa de Prevención del Abuso de Personas Mayores está financiado a través del Título VII de la Ley de Estadounidenses Mayores y se administra a través de contratos con Agencias del Área para la Tercera Edad y proveedores de servicios locales.   The Department’s Elder Abuse Prevention Program supports programs and services to protect elders from abuse in all its forms – physical, emotional, financial and more. The program is designed to increase awareness of the problem of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. The program includes training and dissemination of elder abuse prevention materials and funds special projects to provide training and prevention activities. The Department of Elder Affairs does not conduct investigations. The Elder Abuse Prevention Program is funded through Title VII of the Older Americans Act and is administered through contracts with Area Agencies on Aging and local service providers.  Read more

This Domestic Vioence course is an in-service that complies with the state of Florida requirements for healthcare direct care providers.   Read more

HIPAA for Healthcare Providers This HIPAA Training Class provides training on important provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act including Public Law 104-191, the Private Rule, the Security Rule, the Enforcement Rule, and the Omnibus Rule. This training program presents essential information about the General Administrative Requirements, Administrative Requirements, and the Security and Privacy provisions of regulation text 45 CFR Parts 160, 162, and 164. Our HIPAA Awareness training course is meant to satisfy the training requirement under HIPAA and provides an emphasis on HIPAA Privacy but with an overview of the other parts of HIPAA such as HIPAA Security and the Chronology of HIPAA, HITECH & the Omnibus Rule.   Read more

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